The Need for a Permanent Constitution

The Interim Constitution, introduced on June 21, 2024, served as a temporary measure to facilitate the Chang Hard Fork and establish a minimal governance framework. However, its very nature required an eventual replacement. As stipulated in Appendix II of the Interim Constitution, a final constitution had to be ratified and submitted on-chain by January 31, 2025.

CIP-1694, initially published in November 2022, laid the groundwork for decentralized governance within the Cardano ecosystem. This improvement proposal emphasized community participation in decision-making and mandated the creation of a formalized governance structure. The Chang Hard Fork, which became effective on September 1, 2024, was a pivotal step in enabling this governance transition. Following it, the Plomin Hard Fork moved the blockchain from an interim phase into full-fledged, minimum-viable on-chain governance.

A Community-Driven Process

The process of drafting the final Cardano Constitution was characterized by unprecedented levels of community involvement. Spearheaded by the Constitution Ratification Working Group (CRWG) under the Cardano Civics Committee of Intersect, the initiative engaged blockchain governance experts, constitutional scholars, and the broader Cardano community.

Between July and October 2024, 63 workshops were conducted across 52 countries, involving over 1,400 participants. These workshops provided a platform for Cardano community members to discuss, debate, and refine the draft constitution. Participants elected Constitutional Delegates and Alternates to represent their views at a formal Constitutional Convention.

The iterative drafting process incorporated workshop feedback, community input through open forums, and expert consultations. By November 20, 2024, a revised draft was published for broader review. Further refinements continued until December, culminating in a final version that was overwhelmingly approved at the Constitutional Convention with a 95% approval margin.

Proposal Submission and Governance Action

The proposal was submitted by the Constitution Ratification Working Group (CRWG) on behalf of the Cardano Community. The CRWG, operating under the Cardano Civics Committee of Intersect, played a crucial role in coordinating the drafting process, organizing global workshops, and ensuring community input was reflected. The proposal was formally submitted as a governance action on January 30, 2025, following the requirements set by CIP-1694.

Impact on Delegates and the Constitutional Committee

One of the most significant governance shifts in the final Cardano Constitution is the transition from an interim Constitutional Committee to a structured, long-term governance model. Under the interim framework, the Constitutional Committee was a temporary entity with limited authority, designed only to facilitate the transition to a more permanent system.

In contrast, the final Constitution formalizes the election and responsibilities of the Constitutional Committee. The Committee will be elected by the Cardano community, ensuring greater accountability and representation. It will have defined terms, clear decision-making roles, and a structured process for governance actions, including amendments and dispute resolution. This ensures that governance decisions remain community-driven and prevents any single entity from exerting disproportionate influence over the blockchain’s future.

Key Differences Between the Interim and Final Constitutions

The Interim Constitution was designed as a minimal framework necessary to initiate on-chain governance. In contrast, the final Cardano Constitution expands governance structures and formalizes several key provisions:

  • Expanded Governance Participation: While the interim framework established an interim Constitutional Committee, the final Constitution provides a structured process for electing a permanent Constitutional Committee with defined terms and responsibilities.
  • Clear Amendment Process: The final Constitution explicitly details an amendment process to adapt governance over time, which was absent from the interim framework.
  • Stronger Community Representation: The final Constitution incorporates direct feedback from 63 global workshops and input from over 1,400 participants, ensuring a more representative and inclusive governance model.
  • Comprehensive Governance Structures: While the interim version only contained minimal governance rules, the final Constitution defines specific rules, parameters, and guardrails essential for blockchain security and stability.
  • Defined Decision-Making Processes: The interim version lacked clarity on governance actions and their execution. The final Constitution rectifies this by specifying voting mechanisms, stakeholder roles, and governance procedures.

Looking Ahead: Governance Beyond Ratification

While the ratification of the Cardano Constitution represents a major milestone, it is only the beginning of an ongoing governance evolution. Several future governance workstreams have been identified to refine processes and address emerging issues. The Cardano community will continue to participate in governance workshops throughout 2025, focusing on procedural improvements and potential amendments.

The successful completion of this constitutional process underscores the strength of Cardano’s decentralized governance model. By engaging the global community and integrating expert insights, Cardano is setting a precedent for transparent, community-led decision-making in blockchain governance.

The proposal is now open for on-chain voting, inviting all ADA holders to participate in shaping the future of Cardano’s governance framework.

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