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Ada Miners

Ada Miners

Project on the Cardano Blockchain #CNFT built to optimize utility, rewards, aesthetics, and community oriented mechanics.

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Ada Miners
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Ada Miners

ADA Miners is a CNFT project focused on utility, rewards, communal interaction, fun, and aesthetics! Buyers select what mining tier they would like to purchase and will receive minerals in return based on that mines drop rates. Minerals can be used to buy limited edition NFT’s that have unique benefits to each item, other CNFT projects’ NFTs, and much more. Those two mechanics are the fundamentals of how Ada Miners works, and below is more information on how they work.

Ada Mines

The Ada Mines are the method of  which buyers can obtain newly minted minerals. There are 5 tiers available to purchase, each tier has its own drop rate per mineral, quantity of minerals dropped in a given run, and price to enter, below shows a tier 5 (left) & a tier 4 (right). There are only a limited amount of each tier available when the Ada Mines reopen, when sold out, either users can purchase minerals on the aftermarket or wait until the next reopening to buy minerals again.


The usage of minerals is through the ADA Mine Mineral Exchange, where players can take their mined minerals and turn them into Non-Fungible-Token’s that carry intrinsic benefits to the holder. Once a certain amount of one mineral is collected, cycled items in the Mineral Exchange will be open to swap your minerals for these limited NFT's.


In the Mineral Exchange items are offered in the daily or weekly section, which generally offer different types of NFT’s. Daily items are mostly other CNFT’s from popular projects and weekly items are related to Ada Miners and have intrinsic current/future benefits within this project and its integrations.

Ada Miners
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Ada Miners


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