About ADAX

ADAX is an automated liquidity protocol that facilitates trades within theCardano ecosystem in a completely decentralized and non-custodial way.ADAX has no order book -- we eliminate all intermediaries, complexity, andcumbersome procedures from the equation, offering users untrammeledfreedom to trade without censorship or loss of control over their assets.Users can maintain full control of their tokens and are not required to giveup their private keys so that their orders can be logged as they are on acentralized exchange. In this way, decentralization is not just about userprivacy but also about eliminating the risk of asset loss in an improbableevent of exchange security being compromised.

We believe that the ability to adapt to changes in the fast-moving world ofcrypto is essential. That is why ADAX has expedited its development tocoincide with the release of new Cardano functionalities. As soon asCardano smart contracts launch in 2021 Q3, ADAX will be there facilitatingtoken swaps, staking, ensuring market liquidity, and enabling users to makefull use of the network’s capabilities. Our unique protocol is designed to belight and fast, providing a decentralized pricing mechanism that smoothsout order book depth. ADAX boasts a team with a track record of success invarious crypto ventures. By bringing in a wealth of experience, know-how,and best industry practices -- ADAX will amplify the benefits to users withinthe Cardano network.

The vision of ADAX is nothing less ambitious than becoming the UniSwap -a unicorn of the Cardano network. ADAX seeks to obviate the need forcentralized middlemen, paving the way for completely decentralized,censorship-resistant, and secure trading on the Cardano ecosystem. ADAXusers will be able to effortlessly execute smart contract-based tradesinstantly and only at a fraction of the cost of the Ethereum network.

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
    Exchanges (DEX)
  • Release date
  • Supply ($ADAX)