About aw0k3n algorithms

aw0k3n alg0rithms are an on-chain generative art NFT. They are not looping, they are “living”, infinitely generating themselves on-chain forever. When you own an aw0k3n it will in all of its randomness and beauty be living and generating on-chain longer than our lifespans.

There are 6 Decillion possible variations, which is a lot right? So to help holders see the mathematical rarity at a glance we defined rare attributes, these are particularly rare number generations which affect the living nature of the algorithm.

What Makes An aw0k3n algorithm?

The DNA of each algorithm can be separated into 14 different origin values, with each value being randomly generated from a range; this allows different combinations to be created which control the look and living nature of each aw0k3n. These origin numbers are then used in an n-dimensional noise function, bringing the algorithm permanently to life. Remember, aw0k3n's are not a video, they don't even loop, they are on-chain code defined by its DNA.

How are they living?

The origin numbers define a narrow scope for the algorithm to operate in, this is passed through a repeating n-dimensional noise function. This results in an infinitely generating but never repeating "living" algorithm. A simpler way to think of it is - looping but never repeating.

Are aw0k3n algorithms on-chain?

Yes! All the data is placed inside the native token, your NFT is not an MP4 or GIF – it is eternally living code stored directly on Cardano. The thumbnail is the only part hosted on the IPFS.

How do I purchase?

Aw0k3n algorithms are available to purchase via our website now.

Explanatory video

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
    Art NFTs
  • Release date