About BitFins

The concept behind BitFins is to provide an interactive art display where everyone’s collections could be used however they want in a way that gives use to virtually any NFT in their possession as the end result. The end phase (outside of continual development, releases, and quality of life updates) involves a customizable aquarium system that your aquatic creature and decoration NFTs will be present inside of with space designated for use with your other non-project NFTs to display them. As an example, even without native integration Unsig holders would hypothetically be able to display their NFTs inside of the aquarium as a piece to observe while their fish interact and swim around in the rest of the aquarium.

The end goal of BitFins is to provide a digital sanctuary for people to relax in and swim amongst their fish while also bringing fun elements like endless customization to those who want to use our NFT project assets for themselves. It's a form of digital "living" art that constantly will be evolved and added onto by the BitFins team.

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
  • Release date