About Cardano GovTool

The Cardano Govtool is a community tool that supports the key steps of Cardano's Governance process as described in CIP-1694. Govtool is part of the core governance tools.
Intersect has facilitated the bootstrapping of GovTool and supported the process to fully open source it, allowing community ownership for improvement and maintenance.
The Cardano Govtool, together with the other core tools such as the Constitutional Committee Portal, is currently managed by the Intersect Governance tools WG, the three existing pillars that make Govtool (Proposal Discussion, Delegation, and Voting) are developed and maintained by the WeDeliver Team, the Byron team and tested by the DQuadrand team.
GovTool is an application that enables users to participate in many ways in the governance of the Cardano blockchain.
Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
  • Release date