About Danogo

Danogo operates as a decentralized exchange (DeX) and a lending and borrowing protocol within the Cardano ecosystem. As a DeX, Danogo facilitates bond trading. Users can list & trade Bonds permissionless without relying on any centralized party.

As a Lending and Borrowing protocol Danogo allows users to lend and borrow ADA staking rights via Danogo Staking Bond. The process is simple: A smart contract locks the lender's ADA and allows a borrower to attach their stake key for a specified duration as long as conditions are met (interest paid). Danogo simplifies lending and borrowing with customizable terms and
ensures security and transparency.

With Danogo, you can:

  • Earn additional income by lending your ADA staking rights.
  • Access liquidity as a Borrower.
  • Simplify your lending and borrowing experience with customizable terms.
  • Sell Bonds on the Bond Exchange to receive instant liquidity.
Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
    Exchanges (DEX)
  • Release date