About $NGMI
High-Quality Shitcoin. $NGMI
Policy ID: 95b1962fbb6c42c1a16a3ac60459806e7ee7dba4f845e4498082524f
Project Information
Main CategoryMeme Coins
Release date2023
This project has been archived by Cardano Cube. A project will be archived when the direct link to their website or social media accounts are broken or if there is too little online activity from the project to still be listed. If you're the owner of this project. You can re-verify your project by contacting us.
High-Quality Shitcoin. $NGMI
Policy ID: 95b1962fbb6c42c1a16a3ac60459806e7ee7dba4f845e4498082524f
We currently don't have any public team members for $NGMI.
We currently don't have any published resources on $NGMI.