About The Rise

The devil is trapped in hell since the dawn of humanity. With the very first ancient human souls arriving into hell, he saw an opportunity to finally break free and walk on the Earth. He twisted those souls and molded them into dark demons and thus creating his own army to initiate his plan.

The initial army consisted of 72 demons, the most powerful ones with different ranks in the kingdom of hell. He was unsuccessful in implementing his plan for thousands of years until there is a king named Solomon walked on the Earth.

Legend says he had control of all 72 demons through his magical sigils and can pull them out from the dark dimension underneath. He had those sigils made by a very rare molded metal that looked like gold. He also had a combined sigil of all the 72 demons and a secret seal of Solomon that is required to break the devil’s cage in hell.

The devil saw an opportunity here after so many years of rotting in hell. He made his army make pacts with some of the humans on the Earth in exchange for executing his dark plan of using those sigils to finally break free his army out of hell permanently. Solomon ruled for years and years making his plan unsuccessful. Before his death, he buried all the original sigils and occult knowledge in a secret place. No one including the demon army could find that until in the year 2021 after thousands of years, A student of dark arts had visions of these sigils after he messed up a spell on the night of Halloween, he saw the sigils being buried under an abandoned museum in pieces over two long months.

(The minting date will be the date he finally extracts the sigils along with those rare manuscripts of Solomon).

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