About The Monet Society

The Web3 ecosystem is brimming with creative energy. With over 100 million NFTs and a burgeoning NFT art movement, the Monet Society is determined to further stimulate the space, help onboard and promote creators that are serious about creating by incentivizing their collectors with Monet tokens.

The Monet Society distributes Monet to creative industry initiatives, including projects and platforms developing and facilitating digital art, NFTs, and Web3 technologies such as wallets, marketplaces, creator tools, and platforms for viewing and experiencing.

The Spirit of Monet

The Monet Society aims to embody the bold spirit of Claude Monet by supporting creators and collectors who are not bound by convention. By investing in broadening awareness and growing participation in the emerging global economy of digital art, we intend to pursue our mission in a fun, scalable and sustainable way. We have heard that fortune favours the brave. This has never been truer than now, with the accelerating growth of digital ecosystems and in particular, the burgeoning opportunities around NFT technologies.

Catalyzing A Digital Art Renaissance

This space is so new that we are in a virtual Age of Exploration, on the edges of the unknown…venturing forth demands a leap of faith. The Monet Society is daring to take that leap, with a wholehearted embrace of distributed ledger technology and the transformative power of digital assets. Our present objective is to catalyze a digital renaissance and a vibrant ecosystem by supporting NFT creators, collectors and businesses alike.

Monet, Monet, Monet

The Monet Society is not just a small group of supporters from your hometown. We are a global community seeking out and rewarding determination, originality, and vision. At no time in human history has a creator been able to tap into a global community as vast and varied as it is now. To reward creators, grow the community and pursue our mission, we have developed the Monet Token.

Monet is distributed to creators and ecosystem stakeholders by Monet Society and our Members. Monet holders can redeem their tokens for exclusive benefits with Monet Society Member businesses, stake pools and related organizations.

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
  • Release date
  • Supply ($MONET)