About W3:RIDE

My name is Romain Pomarelle, I am the co-founder of W3:RIDE and with Thomas Pomarelle we created an ambitious project around the bicycle. Being cyclists and designers ourselves, we paid particular attention to the quality of the bikes we generated, in order to obtain a high-end quality. Each W3:RIDE owner will be given a Rid:R Nft. This is a pfp that will be match with his bike, all unique too. Because a bike is better with a rider.

If the project is successfully founded, we aim to create a P2E racing game in the form of deck building. Players will be able to choose a bike from their W3:RIDE to race.

  • Several bikes can participate. It will be a mix between an « auto race » (the bikes will move and follow trajectories autonomously) and a deck building game.
  • Each bike will have its own attributes (weight, speed, aerodynamics, maneuverability, energy recovery, etc…) that will allow it to go faster or slower depending on the terrain. For example, a heavy bike will be faster downhill but slower uphill.
  • Each player will have cards in hand that they can play (against energy) to boost their bike, send a handicap to an opponent or change the weather in real time.

We not only want this community to grow and thrive, but we also want NFT owners to be able to use their bikes in various sports applications. We hope to partner with sports apps like Zwift or Strava. We are working on this project since september with Thomas at full time. We are totally dedicated to this project and we really aimed to be big in the Cardano space.

We've had great feedback on the designs so far. And we've already launched collaborations with around 20 influential artists in the NFT and design world (the list will be revealed soon on twitter). We also want to anchor Cycl:R to everyday life. This is why we are working on partnerships with sports applications, brands, federations and cycling associations.
There are many more points that you can find on our Roadmap on our website.

Because a bike can really change someone's life, we will make a donation to worldbicyclerelief.org. They provide "Buffalo Bicycle" to people in need in third world countries. The Buffalo is designed to meet the pressing needs of those populations. Their collaboration with industry leaders reflects a commitment for creating a stronger, simpler, and sustainable bicycle that can withstand harsh rural conditions.

If we make it to the symbolic milestone of 8000 bikes, we'll launch a very limited production of custom bikes, that we'll send to random token holders from our community.

Project Information
  • Status
  • Main Category
  • Release date