Effective date: October 20th 2021

Cardano Cube (the “Company”, “us” or “we”) may offer you the opportunity to purchase products (“Products”) or services (“Services”). In addition, certain Clients (the “Client”) may pay us to promote their Products or Services (“Offers”) in our NewsLetter or to promote their Products or Services on the Site by giving them preferential placement or otherwise by calling attention to their Products or Services.


This Advertising Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions upon which Cardano Cube, being a company duly registered under the laws of The Netherlands with registered number NL003933163B10, engages Client, being a Company duly registered under the laws of their respective country/state with registered number as stated on invoice, as a promoted Client for the Company (together, the “Parties”).

By paying for one of the below promotion packages, Client agrees for Cardano Cube to promote their project.

Promotional packages

Client shall pay to Company the respective price for the selected package, ordered via the website of Company or other communication channels. By completing the payment Client agrees to the Terms & Conditions specified below.

Featured positions (preferential placement)

For and in consideration of ‘featuring the Client on preferential placement’, Company shall feature the Client project on their homepage, as ordered by Client. Client agrees that being featured is based on random rotation, meaning the position will be shared with other promoters on the Company platform. 

Twitter mentions

For and in consideration of the Twitter mention. Company is obliged to post at least one Tweet regarding the Client’s project with a mention towards Client’s profile.


After receiving payment the Company is obliged to activate the promotional package for the agreed period of time. After activation of the promotional service, Client can not get a refund. Company can in no way guarantee the Client that promotional services on the Company platform will lead to increased conversion, increased audience or specific growth for the Client in any way. Thereby the Client is not granted to refund their payment without mutual agreement from the Company.

No Waiver

The failure of either party to this Agreement to insist upon the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or the waiver of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall not be contrued as subsequently waiving any such terms and conditions, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no such forbearance or waiver had occurred.